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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

L♥ve 2 my viewers

Thank you for taking the time to read my post…I hope that the things I have to share will bring healing into the lives that need it.

…with excitement and sincerity,

2 A Brother I Have In Christ…The Menace

May God continue to be with you and in you everywhere you go! Continue to have faith in Him. If you did not know, Faith moves and pleases God! Keep believing in what may seem like the impossible and God will for sure make it possible. Keep turning around…I will too.

May God lead and guide you always and draw you even closer to Him day by day. I speak life into your future, along with Godly wisdom and understanding.

All according to God's will and purpose for your life. Amen.

Much ♥

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Journey Deployed {my short poem}

Empty and void,
A life's trip, journey deployed.
Like the bitterness of being broke, unemployed.
So what is life,

But sweet and sour.
Life is just as beautiful as death, in its hour.
So, what's it to you, to be stressed,
You're breathing
So therefore you're supernaturally blessed.

Personal Quote

Down time…is get closer time.

★The Word★

Deuteronomy 12:32
"What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.


♥Declare & Decree♥

Since God called the things of this world into existence…

Then I shall be an imitator of my God; calling into existence those things as though they never were.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sealed & Sent to God

Equip me to face the onslaught of the enemy!

All according to your will and purpose for my life, Amen!

Slightly Quoted From A Pastor I Know

Don't be discouraged in pursuing God, deliverance doesn't occur over night.


Sealed & Sent to God

Reveal to me the things that are concealed from the natural mind and give me the wisdom and understanding of it.
Awaken me, oh Lord, that nothing may deceive me and give me the power to drive fear out of my heart and mind.